Welcome Back
It’s been a long time but I’m back now ! A lot has changed since my last post (8 years ago), both personally and professionally.
Regarding this blog, it’s still powered by Hugo but a few things have changed, notably:
- I’ve moved from Netflify to Github Pages (more on this below)
- I’ve switched from Gandi to OVH for the domain name
- I’ve switched from Vim to Neovim as my main editor, and rewrote my config in Lua
- I’m using Nix to manage my development environment (still need to use it for Github Actions)
I used to use Netlify Large Media to store my images. When cloning this blog on a new machine, this error occurred:
Error downloading object: ... (...): Smudge error: Error downloading ... (...): batch response: Repository or object not found: https://....netlify.com/.netlify/large-media/objects/batch
Check that it exists and that you have proper access to it
It turns out that Netlify Large Media has been deprecated and I can’t retrieve my images anymore. Fortunately, those images were only used on one of my blog. Following this incident, I searched for an alternative and chose Github Pages, as I’m already hosting the source code on Github (and they also support Git LFS which I don’t currently use, but who knows). The migration was quite smooth: I even found multiple articles on how to use OVH custom domain with Github Pages.
I’ve recently read this great article named Blogumentation, namely writing blog posts as a method of documentation. I find this method very interesting: in fact, some of my blog posts are already blogumentation, and this motivates me to write more posts (not really hard when you haven’t write anything in 8 years). More to come in the near future !